Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Third Workout

Well, I did my third workout today. I was supposed to do that yesterday, but I have the privilege of having a big fat migraine. So, I not only did not go to the gym, but I didn't go to work either. I went to bed and slept from about 2 to 8 PM. It sure was nice to sleep, but the headache stunk. This morning I went to clean the mission home. That only took about 30 minutes...very light today. Then I went straight to the gym and worked out. I walked for 21 minutes like I did on Saturday and then I worked on the weight machines. I did 3 sets of 10 on most of them. I did not do the Roman Tower thing for sit-ups though. I did not have anyone helping me today, and I noticed that I do not work as hard when I do not have someone pushing me.

I'm planning on going tomorrow to the West Lansing gym to workout.


Monica said...

Good for you Robyn!! It's nice to have that sense of accomplishment! I have been running. Well - I ran for 2 or 3 weeks and now haven't for a week. I need to get back to it. It's just SO cold at 5:00 am!

Mandy H said...

Go Robyn that rocks. I am going to keep checking on your daily accomplishments, you are inspiring me to get my butt up and go walking when I can. thanks. love ya and keep it up! mandy

lindygirl said...

Good job Robyn! You are helping me be inspired too. Nothing makes me feel better than doing something I know I should do.